Monday, August 15, 2005

this is Me in Grade 10 baby!

I never did like highschool, my Heavy Metal Weird Al style never really took off, but it was fun, in a social outcast sort of way. Like Nepolian Dynomite, but I never really got much recognition. I remember a lot of really great close friends, who were like family, and some infact still are. I saw that Kenny Yelland guy beat up my friend Ross, I was too far away and could not help, it was over quick though. We were Marching to town in Protest of school cuts, "Don't be a Putz, no More Cuts" was the chant. It was bad because Ross wanted to be good and attend school, but Mob Majority rule pervailed, that was a fun day, took us a few hours, Down to Province house, That was in grade 8 or 9, it was fun, and good for us. Parents were not mad at all, it was awesome


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